Category Archives: Real Estate

  • Hiring an assistant? Read this first

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    You’ve probably been told that if you don’t hire an assistant, you’ll end up being the assistant. According to broker-owner Teresa Boardman, the truth is more complex, so making an effective first hire involves more thought and strategy than you may expect. Read more here::       

  • ICNY: featured speaker Bess Freedman

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    Inman Connect New York features some of the most powerful real estate pros in the market. Take advantage of their knowledge to grow your real estate business. Bess Freedman dishes on how to grow a healthy culture that fosters growth. Read more here::       

  • ‘I’m screwed:’ This broker’s real-life hacking horror story

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    We all need to figure out a way to live online — in the cloud — but we also need a way to survive if our systems go down. Broker Erica Ramus shares her true-life hacking horror story to help you protect yourself and your business. Read more here::       

  • Biden administration lays out bold plan to combat appraisal bias

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    The five-point plan seeks to make the appraisal industry more accountable, arm consumers with assistance, prevent algorithmic bias, cultivate a more diverse appraisal industry, and leverage federal data to benefit research and policymaking. Read more here::